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Fiber and Water


"Have you ever wondered what puts the crunch into a bite of carrot or apple?"

It's the Fiber. All food of plant origin contain fiber. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate found in the leaves,seeds|skin of vegetables,fruit,cereals|pulses.
 We tend to create a deficiency of dietary fiber in our body by consuming less fresh fruits|vegetables|lots more refined food. This unhealthy habit can lead to many health problems from constipation to colon cancer.

What does fiber do?

There is more to fiber then just the crunch.What grandma refers to as roughage,scientists call fiber.A diet rich in fiber has many benefits.Indigestible,fiber combines with waste in our body | helps to throw it out. When eaten,it causes us to feel full for a longer period of time. Fiber also plays an important role in reducing blood cholesterol|sugar levels in our body.

How to 'Fiber Up' ?

  • Mix grated vegetables like carrots into the dough when making chapatis or parathas.
  • Add spinach or any gourd to your favourite meat recipe.
  • Substitute half the quantity of refined flour(maida) with whole wheat flour(atta),when baking a cake.
  • Eat fruits|vegetables with their edible skin.
  • Instead of drinking fiber-free fruit juice,eat a piece of fruit|drink a glass of water.
  • Experiment with a variety of fresh green salads | sprouts.

How much is enough?

Owing to the vital functions it performs,nutritionist recommend a daily intake of about 30-40g of fiber ie. approx 2-4 servings of fruit,3-5 servings of vegetable|2 servings of fresh green salad.For

Life Saver 


Water is a very essential nutrient without which human life cannot survive.More than 70%

of the human body is made up of water.Loss of water through sweat,excretion etc,.needs to be replaced with what we eat and more importantly,Drink.

"Did you know,Water deprivation can cause far more harm than the lack of any other nutrient?"

What does water do?

  • It transports all nutrients to | from different parts of our body.
  • It aids the process of chewing,absorbing,digesting.
  • It acts as a lubricant.Present in|around tissues,it defends our bodies against shock.The brain,eyes|spinal cord are among the body's sensitive organs cushioned by a protective water layer.
  • It regulates body temperature.
  • It helps purify the system by stimulating the elimination of waste substances|toxins.

Interesting facts of water

  • Preliminary research has indicated that 8-10 glasses of water a day can significantly ease joint and back pain in up to 80% of patients.
  • A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger short-term memory loss,trouble with basic math | difficulty in reading.
  • Lack of water is one of the leading causes of daytime fatigue.
  • Even mild dehydration can slow down a person's metabolism by as much as 3%.

How much is enough?

Since water in the form of moisture is available in all fresh vegetables|fruits, there is no ideal quantity of intake.However,it is definitely recommended that we drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.

How Water Works in our Body watch the video.

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