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Instant Energisers

Instant Energizers


Sugar,Honey,Jaggery,etc.belongs to another food group packed with simple carbohydrates.Simple,because they are very quickly digested and absorbed by our bodies to provide Instant Energy.

Remember,Sugar-free products are not necessarily calorie-free.So,watch out!

             Sugar in particular is a chemical.It contains no other nutrient besides carbohydrates and therefore the energy from it comes in the form of empty calories.

            Honey and Jaggery, on the other hand are natural products | therefore contains additional like minerals.

How much is enough?

Instant Energies are an optional part of our diet.While small quantities of sugar can cause no harm,excessive intake certainly has come drawbacks like increasing body weight,causing stress,anxiety and panic.It can also lead to dental decay(particularly in children),diabetes mellitus,etc.So remember ,this group may taste good, but its effect on our bodies is not always positive.Eat is sparingly,maybe just as a special treat or on an occasion.

Concentrated Energisers


An Oil is any neutral, nonpolar chemical substance that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperatures and is both hydrophobic and lipophilic. Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are usually flammable and slippery


Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking, such as baking, sauce making, and pan frying

Vanaspati (Devanagari) is the Sanskrit word that refers to the entire plant kingdom

Ghee is a class of clarified butter that originated in ancient India and is commonly used in South Asian cuisines, traditional medicine, and religious rituals.

This food group is rich in fat.Although needed by our bodies in limited amounts,fat is the root cause of numerous modern day healthy problems.By learning about the different types of fat and the roles they play in our bodies,we will easily understand why it is important to consume just enough to remain health y.Refer to the page FAt.

What does fat do?

Fat is a concentrated source of energy.As mentioned above,we require a small quantity of fat to:

  • Insulate our bodies from cpld |cushion all our organs.
  • Enable our bodies to utilise vitamins like A,D,E and K.
The calories from 1g of fat,9 kcals,is more than double of what we get from 1g of carbohydrates or protein.

How much is enough?
Fat must be eaten most sparingly.Nutritionists recommend that fat should provide not more than 10-15% of our daily calorie requirements i.e.,4-5 servings per day.For How much is I serving?see also Food Composition Tables | recommended daily Dietary Allowances for Indians.

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